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Vision and Mission


Our Vision: Go and make disciples of all nations


As a body of Holy Spirit filled believers our Vision is to follow the command of Jesus Christ to, "go and make disciples of all nations." We believe this is done as we follow the life and teaching of Jesus and, through intentional relationships, help others do the same. This is a worldwide calling for ALL believers. 


The Mission is how we get to this Vision. 


Our Mission: A Church (body of believers) filled with the Holy Spirit, Loving God and Loving others


When we are filled with the Holy Spirit, He will lead us to Love God and as we grow in our love for God, He will always lead us to love and serve the world around us. 

Practically, what will this look like for our Church family?


We have chosen to live out the Vision and Mission of Living Rock through Sunday Morning corporate gatherings as well as weekly Home Church Gatherings.


Home Churches meet mid-week throughout the month. Participation in these Home Churches and our corporate gatherings will be key to living out the Vision and Mission of Living Rock. This is where growth as disciples can take place and where we can turn and serve and love our community's practical needs around us. 

Click Here to get more info or to sign up for one of our Home Churches

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